I’m going to tell you something that is going to make you freak out.
It’s not a secret—it’s just something we need to talk about, because it’s true for so many of us: We are our own worst enemies.
We don’t give ourselves the grace we deserve, and we’re always so hard on ourselves. We get caught up in negative self-talk and believe that the way we look or act or feel isn’t good enough. It doesn’t take much for us to beat ourselves up, even though we know deep down that this is not healthy behavior.
But here’s the thing: You deserve to love your body. You deserve to love yourself! And as hard as it may seem right now, it is possible for you to do both of those things—to accept yourself and love yourself in spite of what anyone else thinks or says about you.
And guess what? It starts with just one tiny change: Loving your body by giving yourself some grace when things aren’t perfect—and then turning that into an opportunity for growth instead of beating yourself up over every little mistake or imperfection.
Loving your body can be hard.
It’s really easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to be a certain size or have a certain number on the scale before you feel worthy of self-love. But here’s the truth: there is no one way to love yourself. It’s not about finding the “right” way, or even about being able to see yourself in a positive light all the time. It’s about accepting yourself as you are right now and giving yourself grace when you don’t meet your own expectations.
Think about it: if we loved others this way, how much more compassionate would we be? We’d be able to recognize that everyone has their own struggles and challenges, and we’d give them space—and compassion—to work through those things instead of trying to force them into our personal framework for how things should be. Loving yourself is exactly like this: it requires being compassionate toward yourself, even when you feel like everything is falling apart around you and nothing makes sense anymore.
So here’s what loving yourself looks like: forgiving yourself when you mess up (mess up often!), giving yourself permission to do things differently than other people would prefer (even if it means doing things differently than someone else might have done them) and not needing to be perfect!
If these are things you want to work on- I would love to coach you through how to start loving yourself and healing youreself more deeply. You can work with me HERE
Empowerment Coach
Podcaster at Empowred AF w/ Jo Thomas
Author of the Empowred AF Series